Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thank You...

This evening as I was doing my devos, I found myself distracted and unfocused. In an attempt to quiet and refocus my heart and mind, I began writing a genuinely random and completely haphazard thank you list to God. I share this simply because I have a blessed life and want to give praise to my Father. Plus, the psalmist seemed to follow a similar literary pattern, so I figured I was in good company(transcribed straight from my journal, follow my thought pattern if you can)...

1. Thank You for Your abundant faithfulness and lovingkindess
2. Thank You for the aesthetic sensitivity You have awakened in my heart
3. Thank You for the joy you have revealed to me
4. Thank You for Your peace
5. Thank You for health and strength
6. Thank You for family and friends
7. Thank You for accountability and assurance
8. Thank You for abundant provision
9. Thank You for Your love
10. Thank You for Your forgiveness
11. Thank You for Your power to live in holiness
12. Thank You for Your protection
13. Thank You for Your wisdom
14. Thank You for my access to Your steadfast Spirit
15. Thank You for growth, humility, and perspective
16. Thank You for Your guidance
17. Thank You for Your promises
18. Thank You for Your body(the church)
19. Thank You for Your patience
20. Thank You for Your favor
21. Thank You for Your hope
22. Thank You for Your purpose
23. Thank You for Your transcendence
24. Thank You for Your immutability
25. Thank You for beauty
26. Thank You for coffee
27. Thank You for the changing of the seasons
28. Thank You for water
29. Thank You for thunderstorms
30. Thank You for spring/summer breezes
31. Thank You for music
32. Thank You for harmony
33. Thank You for gifts, talents, and abilities
34. Thank You for trust
35. Thank You for vision
36. Thank You for empathy
37. Thank You for good food
38. Thank You for soft beds, warm showers, and heat
39. Thank You for fishing
40. Thank You for inspiration
41. Thank You for diversity
42. Thank You for freedom
43. Thank You for emotions
44. Thank You for knowledge
45. Thank you for stories
46. Thank You for snow
47. Thank You for rest
48. Thank You for Fridays
49. Thank You for White Chocolate Caramel Mocha Blended Lattes
50. Thank You for people who are especially skilled at making White Chocolate Caramel Mocha Blended    Lattes
51. Thank You for the ability to learn
52. Thank You for animals
53. Thank You for people much smarter than me
54. Thank You for shared responsibility
55. Thank You for miracles
56. Thank You for the little things
57. Thank You for healthy competition
58. Thank You for excercise
59. Thank You for life
60. Thank You for the cross
61. Thank You for the ressurection
62. Thank You for milk
63. Thank You for hobbies
64. Thank You for caring for me

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